搬新家來測試 DNS 速度之 … 終於證實用 Google DNS 上網會變快…

先說本篇標題不適用於所有情行,且帶有嘲諷口吻,實測結果並非專門實驗網路環境、且按照不同時間伺服器負載會有不同結果,如果家中有 IP 分享器 、無線 AP,通常都會有內建的 DNS,建議可以設定裝置優先使用,至於向外查詢的事情就交給他們內建的 DNS 來作就好。

前兩次搬家的時候做過一次測試(用Google的Public DNS上網會變快?Google的DNS真的比較快嗎?之常用DNS測試),這次搬新家再來小測一下~

新家網路是那種二房東、三房東的弱弱 ISP (只承包最末端的管理),上游接的是中華電信,而這家小房東 ISP 上班時間很短、客服也不是 24H,所以晚上搬進去,等到早上才找到人請他們開通網路,慘! 為了方便比較跟上次測試的結果,這次同樣拿 DNS Benchmark 的圖來看,不測還好 … 一測暈倒啊 … & 是 ISP 透過 DHCP 發的 DNS,直接用上游的 Hinet DNS
一個數百人共用網路的地方居沒有用個 Local DNS 來省頻寬,我以為應該要有的! 是我自己的IP分享器,刷 DD-WRT,效能還不錯 是 ISP 的 local DNS,原來不是沒有,只是沒有透過 DHCP 發出來,是我自己去挖出來的資訊 & 應該就不用解釋了,Google的 public DNS &這兩組比較特別,是 Seednet 的 DNS,也是為什麼要發文紀錄這次測試的主因…

搞什麼鬼啦 XD 在中華的線路上跑去用人家 Seednet DNS 跟 Google Public DNS 都比用 Hinet 的 DNS 還來的快 … 還不是差一點點而已,之前測好像都沒這樣、可能剛好中華電信在塞車吧? 不過二房東、三房東的 ISP 預設也不發 local DNS,我現在突然懂了為什麼一堆網路說法表示 “用Google DNS上網會變快” 了… 好諷刺啊 …

Unix (Linux / BSD) command line底下的text web browser

很久沒用command line底下的browser,今天剛好因為要抓某個網域裡面才抓的到的檔案,而人又在外面,突然忘了跳板的帳號密碼,心血來潮就用了在網域內的機器開文字介面瀏覽器來幫忙抓,抓到以後再用其他管道丟出來 …


Upgrade FreeBSD from 9.2 to 10.0

剛剛在翻FreeBSD Man Pages的時候意外發現10.0開始的uname多了不同的參數

  • -K Write the FreeBSD version of the kernel.
  • -U Write the FreeBSD version of the user environment.


# freebsd-update fetch install
# freebsd-update upgrade -r 10.0-RELEASE

Looking up update.tw.FreeBSD.org mirrors… none found.
Fetching metadata signature for 9.2-RELEASE from update.tw.FreeBSD.org… done.
Fetching metadata index… done.
Inspecting system… done.

The following components of FreeBSD seem to be installed:
kernel/generic src/src world/base world/doc world/games world/lib32

The following components of FreeBSD do not seem to be installed:

Does this look reasonable (y/n)? y

Fetching metadata signature for 10.0-RELEASE from update.tw.FreeBSD.org… done.
Fetching metadata index… fetch: http://update.tw.FreeBSD.org/10.0-RELEASE/amd64/t/22ddc0a585da6d2e29a6745f3c8182f9e987049aa120a0d28bd0ae57aa3b5126: Not Found

試了兩三次還是一樣,本來以為台灣freebsd mirror沒有提供完整的鏡像,不過開瀏覽器連上http://update.tw.freebsd.org/10.0-RELEASE/amd64/t/看起來卻能連的到,不知道問題在哪~之前patch升級也都沒問題呀! 只好先把update server改回預設的設定(參考“設定FreeBSD update&ports&package使用local mirror server”),然後就可以了@@”

#freebsd-update upgrade -r 10.0-RELEASE
Looking up update.FreeBSD.org mirrors… 5 mirrors found.
Fetching metadata signature for 9.2-RELEASE from update2.freebsd.org… done.
Fetching metadata index… done.
Inspecting system… done.

The following components of FreeBSD seem to be installed:
kernel/generic src/src world/base world/doc world/games world/lib32

The following components of FreeBSD do not seem to be installed:

Does this look reasonable (y/n)? y

Fetching metadata signature for 10.0-RELEASE from update2.freebsd.org… done.
Fetching metadata index… done.
Fetching 1 metadata patches. done.
Applying metadata patches… done.
Fetching 1 metadata files… done.
Inspecting system… done.
Fetching files from 9.2-RELEASE for merging… done.
Preparing to download files… done.
Fetching 38462 patches…..10….20….30….40….50….60….70….80….90….100….110….120….130….140..



等這一段跑完就會出現提示訊息要跑一次freebsd-update install,這次跑完就可以做第一次重開機了

重開機後就重複最後兩個動作…再跑一次freebsd-update install,重開機…

開好之後檢查一下各service有正常起來,功能沒問題就可以先收工了~ (如果之前沒改用pkgng來館套件的話還要進行轉換就是了)

FreeBSD 10.0-RELEASE Installation Instructions


自從Google Reader關掉之後,各類RSS reader如雨後春筍般生出,其中一個有名的例子就是feedly,目前也算是我每天必定上來看看的網站之一。

今天傍晚一直到目前為止feedly都無法正常連上,取而代之的是Cloudflare的錯誤訊息頁面,稍早已經換成feedly自己的畫面了: 連到部落格一看才發現多了這篇: http://blog.feedly.com/2014/06/11/denial-of-service-attack/

Denial of service attack

2:04am PST – Criminals are attacking feedly with a distributed denial of service attack (DDoS). The attacker is trying to extort us money to make it stop. We refused to give in and are working with our network providers to mitigate the attack as best as we can.

We are working in parallel with other victims of the same group and with law enforcement.

We want to apologize for the inconvenience. Please know that you data is safe and you will be able to re-access your feedly as soon as the attack is neutralized.

We will update this blog post as soon as we have more information:

Thank you for your understanding,

/Edwin and Seb


6:25am PST – We’re making some changes to our infrastructure that will allow us to bring feedly back online. However, these things take some time to put into place and it may still be a few more hours before service is restored. Thank you so much for your patience and for sticking with us. Remember, none of your data was compromised or lost in this attack.

原來是被DDoS攻擊了… 差點以為feedly想吃錢烙跑,想說一掛就十個小時左右是怎樣? 不知道這次攻擊的目的是什麼,只能說希望feedly盡快恢復…