Remotely shutdown/restart Windows via Linux on Debian/Ubuntu based Linux

Need samba-common package first, install via apt:

$ sudo apt-get install samba-common

Then use this command to shutdown the computer remotely(replace ip, username and password with your own):

$ net rpc shutdown --ipaddress ip --user username%password

Add -r if you want to restart, not shutdown:

$ net rpc shutdown -r --ipaddress ip --user username%password

After execution, here is the success message:

Shutdown of remote machine succeeded

If receive these messages below means something failed:

Could not connect to server
Connection failed: NT_STATUS_IO_TIMEOUT
Could not initialise pipe winreg. Error was NT_STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND

There are many functions provide by net [rpc], like:

net rpc audit Modify global audit settings
net rpc info Show basic info about a domain
net rpc join Join a domain
net rpc oldjoin Join a domain created in server manager
net rpc testjoin Test that a join is valid
net rpc user List/modify users
net rpc password Change a user password
net rpc group List/modify groups
net rpc share List/modify shares
net rpc file List open files
net rpc printer List/modify printers
net rpc changetrustpw Change trust account password
net rpc trustdom Modify domain trusts
net rpc abortshutdown Abort a remote shutdown
net rpc shutdown Shutdown a remote server
net rpc samdump Dump SAM data of remote NT PDC
net rpc vampire Sync a remote NT PDC’s data into local passdb
net rpc getsid Fetch the domain sid into local secrets.tdb
net rpc rights Manage privileges assigned to SID
net rpc service Start/stop/query remote services
net rpc registry Manage registry hives
net rpc shell Open interactive shell on remote server
net rpc trust Manage trusts
net rpc conf Configure a remote samba server

Check man rpc for more details!

Mute certain tab in Google Chrome/Chromium

Open chrome://flags/#enable-tab-audio-muting and enable “Enable tab audio muting UI control” option, then restart your browser.

Now we can have mute option on each tab:

After that, there will be a muted icon on the tab, and if you want to unmute it, there is also an unmute option in the menu of the tab.

Very useful when surfing to some noisy websites!

BTW , the demo screenshots came from the trailer of Transcendence, a very very awesome movie!