Not a hard working, and there are already many articles talk about that, but many students still don’t know how to do that …
The simple syntax for generating ssh key pair:
$ ssh-keygen -t algorithm -b bits -C "comments"
For example:
$ ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "my first ssh key pair!"
The simple syntax for deploying ssh key:
$ ssh-copy-id username@
For example:
$ ssh-copy-id petex@
If you also have problems with ssh keys, I will suggest you to read the articles below, they are confirmed by myself, I think those are correct and easy versions, and there is no need to write them in my blog again …
- GitHub Help > SSH > Generating SSH keys
- DigitalOcean > Community > Tutorials > How To Set Up SSH Keys
- archlinux > wiki > SSH keys
3 good articles should be enough …