這項更新目前已經有測試版可以玩了,正式的版本預計在今年夏天的 Windows 10 年度更新釋出,之後就會在 Windows 10 上面有一個完整的 Ubuntu user space 子細統,不但 Linux 上常見的 utilities 如 grep, sed, awk 等工具未來都可以直接跑在 Windows 10 上,甚至 Debian / Ubuntu 在使用的套件管理系統 apt 也都可以直接使用,不論是對於使用者或是開發者都提供了更大的彈性以及便利性,同時代表未來 Windows 對 Linux 或其他原先只能跑在 unix-like OS 的專案會更加的友善。
ReactOS is a free and open source operating system for x86/AMD64 PSs, based on the best design principles found in the Windows NT architecture, development started in 1996 as Windows 95 clone project, continued as ReactOS in 1998, the goal of ReactOS is “binary compatible with Windows”, that’s awesome, the latest major release – v0.4.0 was announced last month(Feb 2016), it’s about ten years from the previous major release, okay, let’s take a look at the latest ReactOS.
The features of ReactOS:
What’s the difference between ReactOS v0.3.x and v0.4.0? The highlights from the official news – ReactOS 0.4.0 Released:
ext2 read/write and NTFS read support
New explorer shell and theme support
SerialATA support
Sound support
USB support
VirtualBox and VirtualPC support
Wireless networking
CMake support for GCC and MSVC compilation
Compilation times significantly improved
GDB remote debugging interface for kernel debugging
Looks not so cool if you compare it with some popular operating systems like Windows, FreeBSD, Mac OS X or Ubuntu GNU/Linux, but it’s a huge step of ReactOS, if you would like to take a look at it, ReactOS provides live CD iso image, you can also install it by yourself, or download pre-installed VirtualBox/VMware image, I’ll use live CD in VirtualBox virtual machine to demonstrate ReactOS as below.
The size of zipped file(ReactOS-0.4.0-live.zip) is about 66MB, the size of the extract iso file(ReactOS-0.4.0-Live.iso) is about 198MB, compare to currently popular operating systems, it’s really tiny!
This is the first screen of ReactOS, the boot menu, there are 4 options here, but there isn’t significant difference for end-users, the most different thing may be the booting progress will be shown during the process:
Then use this command to shutdown the computer remotely(replace ip, username and password with your own):
$ net rpc shutdown --ipaddress ip --user username%password
Add -r if you want to restart, not shutdown:
$ net rpc shutdown -r --ipaddress ip --user username%password
After execution, here is the success message:
Shutdown of remote machine succeeded
If receive these messages below means something failed:
Could not connect to server Connection failed: NT_STATUS_IO_TIMEOUT Connection failed: NT_STATUS_RESOURCE_NAME_NOT_FOUND Could not initialise pipe winreg. Error was NT_STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND
There are many functions provide by net [rpc], like:
net rpc audit Modify global audit settings net rpc info Show basic info about a domain net rpc join Join a domain net rpc oldjoin Join a domain created in server manager net rpc testjoin Test that a join is valid net rpc user List/modify users net rpc password Change a user password net rpc group List/modify groups net rpc share List/modify shares net rpc file List open files net rpc printer List/modify printers net rpc changetrustpw Change trust account password net rpc trustdom Modify domain trusts net rpc abortshutdown Abort a remote shutdown net rpc shutdown Shutdown a remote server net rpc samdump Dump SAM data of remote NT PDC net rpc vampire Sync a remote NT PDC’s data into local passdb net rpc getsid Fetch the domain sid into local secrets.tdb net rpc rights Manage privileges assigned to SID net rpc service Start/stop/query remote services net rpc registry Manage registry hives net rpc shell Open interactive shell on remote server net rpc trust Manage trusts net rpc conf Configure a remote samba server