
ntp server:
現在比較少看到學校單位自己在架ntp server了,至於要設定ntp校時伺服器的原因,原因很簡單,系統上錯誤的時間會產生的問題不少,小則查log的時候讓時間參考依據降低、大則讓你失約、線上搶購搶不到、甚至連網站都不能上(因為SSL憑證是要看日期的),而ntp server設的不好結果就是時間誤差大、查詢費時、或查不到東西,之前有整理過列表,可以參考下面這篇 – 台灣合用的ntp server,Windows內建的設定是time.windows.com,就是屬於很不好用的那種 … 強烈建議換掉,在系統時間設定裡面有選項,參考話面如下:

dns server:
公司企業或是學校單位基本上都還是會有自己的dns,若非品質或速度有嚴重問題,建議以local的為主就可以了,之前有做過測試,想要自己測試也可以參考這邊做法 – 用Google的Public DNS上網會變快?Google的DNS真的比較快嗎?之常用DNS測試,因為dns實際上花費時間還要加上query的時間,有些人直接用ping值來當作dns的速度參考其實不太恰當 … 另外之錢也整理過一些列表: – 台灣ISP常用DNS列表整理常用 Public DNS 清單整理 (IPv4)

Windows WSUS / Linux/FreeBSD mirror:
Linux或BSD的套件或source來源mirror是一定要的,不用多解釋 … 而Windows上也有一種機制叫做WSUS – Windows Server Update Services,在做的就是類似的事情,對於企業或是學校環境來講可以省下非常可觀的頻寬跟時間花費

Windows 系統還原停用:
很多人不知道Windows有這功能,知道也不太會用,如果是這樣不如把這功能關掉,因為在背景自動備份吃的資源不是很划算,而真的中毒或系統損毀通常靠這功能是救不回來的 …


Flush local DNS cache on a browser and local system

Browser(application) level:

For Google Chrome/Chromium, open the link below:
and click “Clear host cache

For Firefox, open the link below:
then click “I’ll be careful, I promise!“,
and find network.dnsCacheExpiration, set its value to 0 (create one if it didn’t exist).
Now the cache should be flushed, and set network.dnsCacheExpiration back to 3600, or you the cache will not work at all.

Operating system level:

  • Windows:
    • ipconfig /flushdns
  • Linux:
    Depends on the dns service you are using: 
    • sudo systemd-resolve --flush-caches
    • sudo /etc/init.d/dns-clean restart
    • sudo /etc/init.d/nscd restart
    • sudo /etc/init.d/dnsmasq restart
    • sudo /etc/init.d/named restart
  • macOS (> v10.5):
    • dscacheutil -flushcache

Hot to use share clipboard when using freerdp to connect to Windows?

Though I use GNU/Linux distros on most of my computers, I’ll still need to use Microsoft Windows sometimes, so I install Windows on an old PC, and work remotely.

Microsoft’s RDP(Remote Desktop Protocol) is a good method to work remotely with Windows if you have a real ip address(or work in LAN), I always use this method with FreeRDP and work happily, here is a usage example:

xfreerdp -u Peter

But FreeRDP didn’t share the clipboard like the default RDP client on Windows, so I just try to find a method to enable this feature, fortunately it’s very easy, just add parameters the enable cliprdr plugin like this:

xfreerdp --plugin cliprdr -u Peter

Now I can copy from my local computer and paste on a remote computer and vice versa!

PS: You may need to install package libfreerdp-plugins-standard first, and this syntax works on freerdp v1.0.2, in the newer versions, you may need to use +clipboard instead of --plugin cliprdr